Sunday, January 2, 2011

Budak Comel~

ini entri untuk budak comel yang rasa macam geram nak cubit-cubit.ngeee~ Okay, semalam post pictures tunang je kan, so today let's have a look on the birthday celebration pulak. tapi simple je la, doa selamat amongst family members sahaja. owh, terubat rindu pada kampung semalam..

Now, presenting budak comel.........

Eh! ini bukan budak comel yang dimaksudkan, walaupun memang sangat2 la comel okay. =)
me with aunties, kazens, niece and nephew.

Masih bukan budak comel tapi inilah dia birthday boy. Happy 24th birthday dear kazen. May Allah bless you and cepat2 kawen.hehe 

Yang berbaju merah merah itu adalah entiti wajib yang perasan sangat handsome. 
Tengok lah mereka yang sangat happy. The boys are siblings. woot woot.

AHA!!!! ini lah dia si budak comel yang dimaksudkan. BABY HAZIQ DARWISH, 5 months old.  Alololo comelnyaaaa!

Darwish with my brother and sister in law. His ayah ngah and mak ngah!

budak comel with his mak yong.

aha! budak comel with his mak yang (comels jugak.hehe). i asked them to call me aunty young but no one listens to me..huhu.

This is the comelest. finally dapat captured his smiley face. sangat comel la awak ni Darwish. rasa macam nak peluk and cium bertubi-tubi (Aisyah Hani, 2006).

Okay sekarang mari lihat kecomelan baby darwish dari kecik lagi walaupun sekarang baby darwish masih seorang baby yang kecil.

ni masa akikah dan cukur jambul baby darwish, 2 months old. with his comelest aunties. mak yong azie, mak yang hanna and mak yong mai.

lihat kaki ku..sungguh tergoda kannnnnn????

And, this year 2011 there will be lots of babies coming out.... yeaahhhhhaaaa! excited and looking forward to have a look on those beautiful and special creation by Him. Subhanallah.


beautiful mind + beautiful soul = beautiful you

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