Sunday, December 12, 2010

Late night coffee everyone??

Why do I have the tendency to write about foods and drinks lately? Well, well, em. em. I, my self don't know either. I am still searching for the reasons. I guess maybe I have the answer but let me just keep it to myself, aite? For the time being, please bear with me.

So, anyone wants to join me? Let's have some late night coffee together. It does not matter what kind or what type of coffee be it mocha, espresso, cappuccino etc., no worries I don't mind. It would be nice to have hot drinks at the moment, in the middle of the night. Especially if it has been raining cats and dogs for the whole day. It is wayyyy colder than usual. I have to wear lots of clothes and on top of that I need to cover myself with a cozy blanket. And, for your information I am not anywhere near highlands but here in the peaceful area of greeneries.

Ahaha. And why do I need coffee but not any other drinks? The reason is because I need to stay up and do some works. Lotsa works actually after two days of not doing anything and just lazying around. Serve me right!! When everyone is nicely sleeping, I have to do preparations for work tomorrow. AHAHAHAHAHAH.

p.s: point to defend myself, I could help it as it is toooo cozy to do anything when the weather is telling not to do so. (good excuse eh!)

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